New Proposed Reform to Increase Mexico’s Christmas Bonus to 30 days

Congresswoman Gabriela Benavides Cobos, of the Parliamentary Group of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), has presented an initiative to reform Article 87 of the Federal Labor Law (LFT), with the purpose of doubling the Christmas bonus that workers receive annually, from 15 to 30 days of salary.

Key Aspects of the Initiative:

1. Increase in Christmas Bonus: The proposal seeks to increase the minimum annual Christmas bonus from 15 to 30 days of salary.

Justification for the Reform: The proposed increase responds to the need to adjust the Christmas bonus to the current cost of living and the economic demands of Mexican families, especially during the Christmas season and the beginning of the year, when expenses tend to be higher.

Impact on the Economy: The proposal emphasizes that doubling the Christmas bonus will not only directly benefit workers, but will also contribute to boosting the national economy and reducing wage inequalities among the different sectors of society.

International Context: According to Congresswoman Benavides Cobos, countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Peru, Argentina, Guatemala and China already grant a Christmas bonus equivalent to 30 days’ salary, which places Mexico at a disadvantage compared to these nations.

Legislative Process: The initiative has been referred to the Labor and Social Welfare Commission for analysis and discussion before continuing with the legislative process in Congress.

Recommendations for Companies:

Companies are advised to stay informed on the progress of this initiative and assess the impact that a possible Christmas bonus reform could have on their finances and budget planning for 2025.

For more details on this initiative, you may consult the official publication in the Legislative Information System: Iniciativa para Aumentar el Aguinaldo.

If you have questions or need advice to prepare your company for this possible reform, do not hesitate to contact Vega, Guerrero & Asociados.


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