New CNBV Regulation: Issuers Must Report Sustainability Information

On January 28, 2025, the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) published in the Official Journal of the Federation key amendments to the provisions applicable to securities issuers. Starting in 2026, all issuers with securities registered in the National Securities Registry will be required to submit sustainability reports aligned with the standards of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).

What does this new obligation entail?

Issuers must report information on:

  • Sustainability risks and opportunities that impact its financing and cost of capital.
  • Governance, strategy and management of these risks.
  • Sustainability metrics and targets, including greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, the sustainability report must be validated by an external auditor in accordance with the following:

  • 2026 report (2025 annual information): Optional assurance.
  • Report for 2027 (annual information for 2026): Limited assurance.
  • Reporting from 2028 onwards: Mandatory underwriting.

Who does it apply to?

  • All issuers with securities registered in the National Securities Registry.
  • Financial institutions, SOFOMES E.N.R. and issuers with preponderant financing activities.
  • Excluded: States, municipalities and foreign issuers with equivalent regulations.

At Vega Guerrero & Asociados, we offer specialized environmental compliance services to ensure that your company complies with all sustainability regulations. Our team advises you in the implementation of effective strategies for the collection, presentation and assurance of the required information, ensuring that your business is prepared to report its environmental obligations according to the new CNBV guidelines.


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