Reduction of the Workday: A Central Issue in the Legislative Agenda in Mexico

The upcoming session in the Mexican Congress promises to be a stage of debate and heightened expectations surrounding a constitutional reform proposal to guarantee two days of weekly rest for all workers. This initiative seeks to reshape the labor landscape in the country.

The reform suggests reducing the workweek from 48 to 40 hours, introducing a novel model of five working days followed by two days of rest. Although the constitutional reform bill was given approval in the April commission of this year, its path to full approval remains uncertain.

However, the ultimate approval of this reform will depend on the agreements reached by legislators. It’s crucial to recognize that this reform involves a modification of the Constitution, necessitating a national agreement and the approval of 17 local congresses with qualified majorities.

Likewise, reference has been made within the various debates to the experience of other countries that have implemented shorter workweeks, such as Chile and Ecuador in Latin America, as well as several countries in Europe and Asia. These nations have adopted 40-hour workweeks, serving as examples and references for the discussion in Mexico.

In recent years, the Mexican Congress has played a leading role in a series of labor reforms that have reinforced workers’ rights. In conclusion, the reduction of the workweek is a pivotal issue in the upcoming legislative agenda of the Congress, anticipating a debate that will present two perspectives: the benefit for workers and the potential reduction in work hours for employers within their workplaces, along with overtime payment considerations. Therefore, it is expected that the Congress will strive to balance the interests of both parties and achieve a significant change in the country’s labor landscape.

VGA, through its labor team, will provide information on the aforementioned reform, as well as the potential implications for employers in all aspects.


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