Presidential initiative against “outsourcing” in Mexico

AMLO vs. Outsourcing México

Last Tuesday, October 27th, the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has announced that in the next few days he will submit an initiative “so that this mechanism disappears.”

Within his morning press conference, the President pointed out that schemes such as “outsourcing”, “affect the employees, the public finances, the development of the country and promote corruption”.

It should be noted that said declaration was given in the framework of the discussion that has begun in both chambers of the Congress of the Union to reform the figure of outsourcing in Mexico. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is necessary to specify that currently, the Federal Labor Law and the Social Security Law, both already regulate this figure in a precisely manner.

Therefore, and in order to prevent any possible sanction in the future by the labor and social security authorities, in Vega, Guerrero & Asociados, we invite companies that perform activities through the outsourcing of specialized services, to carry out an exhaustive review of the documentation that supports said relationship, in order to be in compliance with the applicable and current provisions, for which, our team of the Labor and Social Security Area is in disposal to continue carrying out the corresponding audits, and with it, determine the extent of compliance in the matter.


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