
Currently, at VGA, we provide legal solutions in different strategic sectors in the global economy, keeping our services at the highest international forefront.

One of the fastest growing industries worldwide has been the automotive industry, and Mexico is immersed in its growth, as it has had an economic spill of vital importance in the country. VGA has provided legal solutions to such legal framework for more than 10 years, which is why the experience of our lawyers in this sector and its programs of both the manufacturing and exportation industries, as well as the program called “Manufacturing, Maquila and Export Services Industry Promotion Program” or the IMMEX Programs (formerly known as the Maquila Program), PROSEC and other foreign trade programs, has allowed VGA to position itself as a referent in legal services to this industry in the region.

Regardless of the process or type of project of this industry, our multidisciplinary approach allows us to provide our clients with comprehensive advice in all their transactions, regardless of the speed with which their operations and transactions move, thus allowing us to minimize any possible legal contingency between suppliers, customers, authorities and employees.