The Mexican Government’s Constitutional Reform Proposal: What Does It Mean for Autonomous Regulatory Bodies?

By Marco Tena

The Mexican government has proposed a constitutional reform that seeks to dismantle several key autonomous regulatory bodies, such as the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece), the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) and the National Transparency Institute (INAI). This move is part of a broader agenda focused on austerity, centralization of power and administrative simplification.

Reasoning Behind the Reform

The administration justifies the reform on two main grounds: austerity and elimination of redundant functions. These autonomous bodies are considered inefficient and costly, and it is believed that their functions can be better managed by the federal secretariats.

Implications for Key Sectors

Telecommunications: The IFT could see its responsibilities absorbed by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), which could reduce the independence that has been crucial to maintaining fair competition.

Economic Competition: The dissolution of Cofece could result in less strict enforcement of competition policies, potentially allowing monopolistic practices to flourish.

Transparency and Data Protection: INAI’s responsibilities could be fragmented among various government entities, weakening the enforcement of transparency and data protection laws.

What Companies Should Know and Do

Companies should be fully aware that this reform could significantly alter the regulatory landscape in Mexico. The transfer of functions to federal ministries may lead to changes in the way current regulations are applied and interpreted, directly affecting competitiveness, transparency and data protection.

Risk Reassessment: Companies should reassess their operational and legal risks. This includes a thorough analysis of how the lack of independence in regulatory decisions could affect their specific sectors, and whether there will be greater political influence in the regulation of their activities.

Compliance Review: A detailed review of compliance policies is crucial. Companies must ensure that they are prepared for possible changes in the rules of the game, including new legal interpretations and changes in compliance requirements.

Proactive Legal Advice: Consulting with specialized legal advisors is becoming more important than ever. Companies must consider alternative scenarios and legal strategies that allow them to adapt to the new regulatory reality. It is essential to anticipate possible conflicts or loopholes that could arise as a result of this reform.

Participation in Public Debate: Engaging in public debate and consultation processes is vital. Companies should consider actively participating in forums, public consultations or collaborating with industry associations to influence the implementation of reform so that their interests are protected.

Long-Term Planning: Finally, companies must adjust their long-term strategies, considering the potential impact of the reform on their future operations. This could involve adapting investment plans, modifying operational structures, or even reconsidering their presence in certain markets.

In the face of such a significant change, proactivity is key. Staying informed, reviewing current practices and preparing sound legal and operational strategies is essential to successfully meet the challenges posed by this reform.

For more information and personalized advice, please contact our legal team. Stay tuned for updates on this critical issue.


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