Budget cuts impact the creation of new Labor Courts

Following the progress and implementation of labor reform in Mexico, which has its roots dating back to its publication on May 1, 2019, initiating a new model of labor justice that includes the establishment of specialized labor courts within the Federal Judiciary, the budget proposal for the year 2024 has been presented, totaling 84,792 million pesos.

This project allocates 2,609.8 million pesos, which are designated for the establishment of 22 labor courts necessary for the administration of labor justice in Mexico, thereby ensuring the continuity of the reform. However, behind these promising figures, the Federal Expenditure Budget for 2024 poses a threat that jeopardizes labor reform, as it indicates that the 22 Federal Labor Courts planned for the next year will not be installed due to budget cuts to the Federal Judiciary.

In response to this situation, various members of the Senate have expressed their concerns regarding this matter. Beyond political affiliations, labor rights have made significant advancements since the implementation of this reform, and there is a genuine fear of regressing and delaying the consolidation of the new labor justice system.

To address this pressing issue, a Resolution has been presented, urging the Chamber of Deputies to respect the separation of powers and ensure the necessary resources for the Federal Judiciary in the 2024 Federal Expenditure Budget. Adequate resources are required to fulfill the judicial role, particularly for the Federal Labor Courts, which play a fundamental role in the new system.

Finally, a call for unity among legislators, union representatives, and labor law experts has been made, urging them to ensure that the implementation of the 2019 labor reform is not halted by budget cuts. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the measures or actions that will be taken by the legislative branch to address the budgetary issues.

The labor team at Vega, Guerrero, and Associates will keep you informed of any developments or updates on this matter.


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