Industrial designs, why is it important to protect them?

By Marian Sánchez

In the world of industry, industrial designs are fundamental pieces that drive innovation and progress. They encapsulate the creative vision of the creators and reflect the results of extensive research and technological developments. The importance of protecting these designs goes beyond mere preservation of intellectual property; it is also an essential pillar for fostering fair competition, stimulating investment in research and development, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the industry.

Industrial designs are divided into two types: drawings and industrial models.

Industrial drawings encompass combinations of figures, lines, or colors incorporated into an industrial or artisanal product for decorative purposes, giving it a distinctive and unique appearance. The drawing itself does not improve the product´s functionality. Still, the fact that it contains the drawing can have practical utility, attracting consumers’ attention and protecting a purely aesthetic element.

On the other hand, industrial models consist of any three-dimensional form serving as a pattern for manufacturing an industrial or artisanal product, providing it with a special appearance as long as it does not involve technical effects. In other words, the industrial model is the basis for producing the invention, such as a chair with a unique design that distinguishes it from others while still serving its function as a conventional chair.

These industrial drawings and models make a product attractive and eye-catching, increasing its commercial value, demand, and sales prospects.

The protection of an industrial drawing or model contributes to the increased return on invested capital. An efficient protection system benefits not only consumers and the public in general but also promotes fair competition, as mentioned earlier, and ethical business practices. This protection plays a crucial role in stimulating economic growth by fostering creativity in industrial and manufacturing sectors.

At Vega, Guerrero y Asociados, we are available to provide advice regarding any questions or situations related to the content mentioned in this article, as well as to guide you through the process of successfully obtaining the registration of an industrial design that is your property.


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