Obligations outlined in the latest NOM on Agricultural Activities

On January 25, the Mexican Official Standard NOM-003-STPS-2023, on Agricultural Activities-Safety and Health Conditions at Work, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

This document aims to establish safety and health conditions to prevent risks to which agricultural workers in Mexico are exposed.

Among the most notable aspects of the NOM, it is established that it covers activities from land preparation for planting to harvesting, storage, transportation and packaging of agricultural products, including the handling of agrochemicals. In addition, it includes the maintenance of machinery and equipment necessary for these activities.

The regulations impose various obligations on employers in the field. We highlight that:

  • They must identify and register in writing the hazards associated with agricultural activities.
  • They must apply and verify protocols in the handling of agrochemicals.
  • Employers in the field are also required to comply with NOM 035 on psychosocial risk factors at work.
  • The regulations prohibit minors under 18 years of age and pregnant women from performing agricultural activities that include the operation, handling, inspection, transportation, or maintenance of agricultural machinery, vehicles, and tools.
  • Activities that expose them to biological hazards are also prohibited.

The new Standard will be mandatory as of January 25, 2025, so we recommend that our clients who carry out agricultural activities be aware and begin the necessary actions to fully comply with its implementation.

In the Vega, Guerrero & Asociados labor team, we are at your disposal to provide advice and follow-up on compliance with all labor regulations.


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