REPSE Renewal – Keep Your Registration Up to Date to Avoid Penalties and Verify Your Service Provider’s Registration

Legal Background

In April 2021, a fundamental reform to several laws on labor subcontracting was published, which resulted in the creation of the Registry of Specialized Service Providers (REPSE). This registration, administered by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), is mandatory for all companies that provide specialized services. The first REPSE registrations began to be issued in 2021 and are valid for three years, which means that in 2024 many companies are seeing these registrations become invalid.

The Importance of Keeping Your REPSE Updated

Having a current REPSE is a legal obligation for both specialized service providers and beneficiaries of these services. Without a current REPSE, companies are not legally authorized to provide their specialized services, which may result in the impossibility of entering into contracts. In addition, invoices for specialized services issued by companies without a current REPSE will lose their tax deductibility, directly affecting the tax obligations of both parties involved.

Sanctions for Providers and Beneficiaries

It is important to remember that both providers and beneficiaries of specialized services are required to verify the validity of the REPSE. In case of non-compliance, penalties may affect both parties. Companies may face significant fines, loss of tax deductibility of invoices issued, problems related to the social security of their workers, and even criminal penalties.

Difficulties in REPSE Renewal

Currently, many companies are experiencing difficulties in renewing their registrations due to problems with the REPSE platform or with the processes before the STPS. REPSE renewal is crucial to continue operating legally and avoid the aforementioned sanctions.

Our Support for a Successful Renovation

At Vega, Guerrero & Asociados (VGA), we have successfully helped several companies to process the renewal of their REPSE, ensuring compliance with all requirements and the continuity of their operations in accordance with current regulations. If your company or your specialized service provider has faced problems in this process, do not hesitate to contact us. We specialize in providing legal advice so that the REPSE renewal is carried out effectively and smoothly.


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