Permanent residence in Mexico after having resided for 4 years as a temporary resident

Mexico is a country with a large number of expatriates who have decided to reside in the country, for various reasons that may have led them to live in Mexico. There are those who come to Mexico to work temporarily, for short or medium periods, or indefinitely.

The Mexican Migration Law establishes various options for obtaining permanent residency, including the option of becoming a permanent resident after having lived as a temporary resident in the country for at least 4 years. In this article, we will explore the requirements, and process for obtaining permanent residency in Mexico after having lived in the country as a temporary resident for 4 years.

However, before delving into the analysis of temporary residency obtained by living in Mexico as a temporary resident, it is important to understand the difference between temporary residency and permanent residency. Temporary residency is a residence permit that allows foreigners to live and work (if authorized by the competent authority) in Mexico for a period of up to four renewable years, while permanent residency grants the right to live and work in the country indefinitely.

In order to apply for permanent residency in Mexico after having been a temporary resident for 4 years, it is necessary for the foreigner to have resided in Mexico continuously and regularly. In the event that the foreigner has entered a state of irregularity, whatever the cause may be, they will lose the seniority they have generated in Mexico, and their count of years of residence will restart and will be counted from the date they regularized their immigration status with the National Institute of Migration (INM).

It is important to establish that it is necessary to submit an application for permanent residency to the INM, since for this to be declared by the authority, it must be the interested party who promotes the declaration by the INM, for which they must pay the corresponding fees.

This application for permanent residence may be initiated during the 30 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the corresponding temporary residence card; it may not be initiated before, much less after.

Once all requirements are met, the applicant must file the application for permanent residence with the INM in person or through a third party authorized to do so. The duration of the application process may vary, depending on the workload of the INM and the representative office to which the application has been submitted, however, in most cases, the process can be resolved the same day it is submitted, and the foreigner will be able to obtain his or her permanent resident card immediately.

In conclusion, obtaining permanent residency in Mexico after having been a temporary resident for 4 years is an option for those who wish to settle permanently in the country. In a separate article, we will discuss the different benefits of obtaining permanent residency in Mexico.

Vega, Guerrero & Asociados, through its Migration Area team, is available to provide advice regarding any doubts that may arise concerning this article.


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