Amendment to Article 74 of the Federal Labor Law – New Mandatory Rest Day

The Senate has approved an amendment to Article 74 of the Federal Labor Law (LFT) to establish October 1 as a mandatory day of rest every six years, in line with the transfer of the Federal Executive Power. This amendment seeks to harmonize labor legislation with the 2014 constitutional reform, which moved the presidential inauguration from December 1 to October 1.

Key Changes:

  1. New Mandatory Day of Rest: The amendment to Article 74 of the LFT establishes that October 1, every six years, will be a mandatory day of rest on the occasion of the change in the Federal Executive Branch, replacing December 1.
  2. Current Status of the Legislative Process: Although the Senate has already approved the amendment, it still needs to be ratified by the Chamber of Deputies and subsequently published in the Federal Official Gazette for it to become effective.

Once this reform is approved and published, companies must adjust their labor policies to comply with the new provision. Workers who render their services on this date will be entitled to the payment of their daily salary plus double for the day worked, in accordance with Article 75 of the LFT.

Companies are advised to be attentive to the final approval and publication of this reform to ensure proper compliance with the new legislation. In case of doubts or to receive advice on how to implement these changes in your organization, do not hesitate to contact Vega, Guerrero & Asociados.


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