Does a Dependent visa allow the visa holder to work?

Within the framework of Mexico’s immigration policies, the issuance of a family unit visa to a dependent does not automatically grant them the right to work. Instead, dependents have the opportunity to apply for a work permit by either becoming an independent workers or engaging in employment with a company. It is imperative to recognize that the legal status of a dependent in Mexico is inherently linked to that of the primary applicant.This means that if the primary applicant loses their residency in Mexico for any reason, the dependent’s residency will be similarly affected, regardless of whether they have secured employment in Mexico or not.

Should the primary applicant, typically the principal visa holder, encounter a situation that jeopardizes their legal status within Mexico – whether due to visa expiration or violations of immigration statutes – the repercussions extend to the dependent as well. As the dependent’s status hinges upon that of the primary applicant, any shifts or complications encountered by the primary applicant directly reverberate through the dependent’s lawful position.

The eventuality of the primary applicant’s legal position becoming compromised carries the potential hazard of both the primary applicant and the dependent losing their respective legal statuses, including the privilege to engage in employment. It is of paramount importance for both parties to scrupulously uphold adherence to Mexico’s immigration guidelines in order to avert unfavorable outcomes.

Hence, it becomes an essential responsibility for the dependent to vigilantly monitor the immigration status of the primary applicant and to diligently safeguard their own legal standing concurrently. This proactive approach is indispensable to ensuring that both parties navigate the intricacies of Mexican immigration regulations with diligence and maintain their authorized presence within the country.

Vega, Guerrero & Asociados, through its Migration Area team, is available to provide advice regarding any doubts that may arise concerning this article.


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