The target in Mergers and Acquisitions

On many occasions, company directors may choose to grow through an M&A process without having chosen the target company. The way to identify the viable companies in the plan to…

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Millennial Asia businessmen and businesswomen meeting and brainstorming ideas about new paperwork project colleagues working together planning success strategies enjoy teamwork in a small modern night office.

Types of Mergers and Acquisitions

There are different ways in which mergers and acquisitions can be carried out, which depend on the companies involved, their industries, stages of production and products or services. The type…

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Business partners handshake international business concept

The human factor in M&A

With technology and communication facilities and easy outreach to the general public, the level of business competitiveness in which we find ourselves globally is high, and as a consequence, in…


M&A: The Technological Impact

Technology-related mechanisms, for several years now, have not stopped impacting the different industries and businesses throughout the world, greatly affecting their course, and mergers and acquisitions are no exception to…